Welcome to this Easy Loving Kindness Meditation for Compassion & Understanding.
This Meditation intends to give love and kindness to ourselves and others, even those that make us uncomfortable.
Showing kindness to ourselves and all around us helps cultivate more self-compassion as well as compassion and understanding for others. We are all human, trying our best, and if we all show ourselves love and kindness, that ripples out around us.
Let's begin
Sit or lay in a comfortable position
Allowing the shoulders to relax by taking a breath in and out
Relaxing the legs, the hands, the body.
Allow the focus on the breath
May I be well, healthy & strong
May I be Happy
May I live in peace
May I feel safe & secure
May I feel loved & cared for
Repeat x2
I invite you to think of someone close to you.
Bring them to your awareness and now focus on the breath.
May you be well, healthy & strong
May you be Happy
May you live in peace
May you feel safe & secure
May you feel loved & cared for
Repeat x 2
I invite you to bring to your mind someone in everyday life that you may meet and remain neutral with, someone you meet on the streets, in the shops, or in your travels.
Bring your awareness to the breath now May you be well, healthy & strong
May you be Happy
May you live in peace
May you feel safe & secure May you feel loved & cared for
Repeat x 2
I invite you to bring to your mind someone that you do not like so much.
They may have or do bring disruptions to your life and trigger you.
Bring awareness to your breath,
The breath may have changed here as your body tenses a little, but that is ok.
We are here to feel it.
Bring your awareness to the breath now...
May you be well, healthy & strong
May you be Happy
May you live in peace
May you feel safe & secure
May you feel loved & cared for
Repeat x 2
I invite you to bring to your mind someone that you do not look forward to seeing.
Bring awareness to your breath, once again it may have changed here as your body tenses a little and that is ok. We are here to feel it.
Bring your awareness to the breath now
May you be well, healthy & strong
May you be Happy
May you live in peace
May you feel safe & secure
May you feel loved & cared for
Repeat x 2
Bring your awareness to the breath now...
May I be well, healthy & strong
May I be Happy
May I live in peace
May I feel safe & secure
May I feel loved & cared for
Repeat x 2
I invite you to bring awareness back to your arms and legs
Breathing here for a moment
Now wriggling the fingers and toes. Bringing movement back to the body.
I hope this has helped you today and it has brought more compassion, love, and kindness to your day.
We have recorded versions of this meditation on the website & Insight Timer - Look up Sharleen Fox
I look forward to you joining me next time.
Love & Kindness to All
