Creating a connection to one another in a safe space is more important than ever! We have drifted apart in our houses with our families or by ourselves! Where is the tribe? The Village? The community? This is what we create with our Circles of all types. That Connection to not only yourself but to the group that sits with you. Creating time to be, share & listen. Hearing the messages of others' stories. Relating to others and their journey and realising you are not alone with some of the things you are going through! It is beyond powerful to hear others share and relate. Bringing a sense of relief that someone understands part of your journey.

That feeling you are alone in your home. Going through big things and no one is there or can understand what you are going through. That depression or anxiety is taking over again! Maybe it is not as severe and it is just that lonely feeling of not belonging. I really feel it is because so many of us are doing it alone! We may have a partner or someone there but we all juggle so much in life that the real important things like our mental health, spiritual health, and physical health get less priority! This has been my experience over time. I find these are the most important, if they are not right then nothing else is either. So for me finding my tribe, community & village has been important for all areas of my life. It builds me up when I am down. I can learn so much from others just by listening. I also can teach others by sharing. We can all support each other. We can all rise together

Love & Kindness Sharleen Healing Minds And Wellness x We currently offer beautiful Circle on the Sunshine Coast such as...
